It's been a long, hard and eventful year- between my brother Benji passing away, my new job and a slightly unexpected pregnancy #2 ( due December 24th). Benji's sudden death has really hut us hard, yet there always seems to be a silver lining that shows me how lucky I am to have so many people that care and love me, I have food on my table and a roof over my head. To top it off, I have a wonderful family and I'm delighted to see if grow. Here are some shots from the last year or so...
In Sanibel, Fl
In Disney with the cousins
In Putney with her buddy Avery
Playing cards with Amy at Dartmouth's Second land grant
Train ride in North Conway Surprise visit by Grandma Penny Paul and Maya making me breakfast And now a few weeks/days from a new adventure.
I'm incredibly lucky for the life I lead, but it doesn't make it easier- I still miss you Dork.