Monday, March 13, 2017

The lie of not being thin enough

I, like many others in this world, have struggled my entire life to make peace with what the scale says. Even though I've pushed my body to achieve incredible feats, I still have the nerve to judge it and criticize its "flaws" when looking in the mirror. The belly flab after birthing two children, the saggy-ness that comes with not being 20 anymore... how can I have so little compassion for this amazing body that has been through it all with me? Not once has it left me stranded or has it not risen to the occasion.
But today, Coach Kitty sent me an article that reminded me how performance comes in all shapes and sizes. I don't have to be stick skinny to be a good triathlete, and I certainly didn't have to starve myself in order to qualify for Team USA- I just had to to show up in the right place, at the right time, with the right mindset... with this one awesome body that I have.

Today I'm going to try loving myself a little more. This body is awesome and I am thankful for all the amazing adventures we've been through together.

Now, if you find yourself being critical to yourself, and in need a little further reading on the matter, here's an awesome article of a top-notch cross-country runner on overcoming the lie of not being thin enough:

Friday, March 3, 2017

Metabolic Efficiency

So I had to write this post today to simply brag about  the merits of metabolic efficiency. As someone who has struggled her whole life to keep the pounds off, I can't rave enough about how this lifestyle/diet has changed my relationship dynamics with food. Thanks to the guidance and patience of Coach Kitty, I'm using the off-season to shed off the extra pounds, become a better runner and build muscle.... but primarily lose weight through metabolic efficiency methods.

I'm on my third day doing intermittent fasting with my only daily meal being dinner and I feel absolutely amazing. I haven't weighed myself, but I the mirror is telling me that the pounds are coming off. EVEN PAUL NOTICED... and he never notices!
To be clear, I didn't just suddenly "decide" to fast. Coach K and I have been working up to this for months- teaching my body to choose to burn fat rather than glucose. I've been on a HIGH FAT (read bacon, nuts, good oils, eggs and a lot of cheese) and low carb diet for a while, and my body stats are pretty impressive (if I say so myself!):
BMI: 24 (pretty good for an athlete)
Body Fat: 27%
Body Water: 54.3%
Visceral Fat Rating: 3
Muscle Mass: 106 pounds
Metabolic Age: 27 (though my actual age is 32... 33 on April 2nd)

Scale: 152.  I'm psyched to see where this continues!

While I was hesitant at first, I have been has been supplementing my workouts with Exogenous Ketones from Ketocana so that I don't feel hungry and my brain doesn't feel fuzzy. A mixed bottle of this stuff thirty minutes before my workout carries me through and hour long swim/run, 2 hours of clients and all the way through afternoon mommy patrol duties. My workout performance hasn't suffered, and in fact, I feel sharper than on an average given day. I'm loving it.
This stuff really works!

I'll keep y'all posted about my progress.