Eeek! The 70.3 is on Sunday!
Today I'm packing up the car, my support crew (Paul, Mom, Rosalba and the two girls) and headed towards Lake Winnipesauke.
In terms of packing and getting ready, I haven't had any major mishaps... other than a pretty spectacular wetsuit fail.
Last week I went to the pool during peak hours to try on my wetsuit and make sure that it had no tears on it. After all, it's a 12 year old wetsuit. I'm fitter than I've been in recent memory, so the idea that my wetsuit wouldn't fit didn't even cross my mind.
So there I was on deck with my size M Orca wetsuit... The pool was packed- there was a summer camp going on, as well as a masters swim class and a ton of recreational folks with their kiddos. Yet being the only one on deck fooling around with a black wetsuit, I still managed to stand out.
I pulled it up my ankles and calves with no problem... but when I got to the hips things started looking a little less auspicious. At the widest point of my hips, I realized the odds of the wetsuit making it all the way up were almost non-existent. The option of pulling it back down was looking equally daunting.
Looking around the pool with the hope of finding a solution, I noticed that a crowd had gathered around the pool, giving me even more determination to not give up. GREAT... I thought to myself,
I'm putting on a Shamu Show for everyone.
It took another 20 minutes and the help of three spectators to squeeze me into the wetsuit. We (they) had managed to zipper me up against all odds. Though I couldn't breath much, I was finally -and triumphantly- walking into the pool. The crowd cheered and I waved, thanking everyone. And then, just as I plopped into the water after the last step... BOOM! My wetsuit exploded open.
I think I got the memo. I'm not a size M anymore.
Thanks to Amazon Prime, I got my Zoot XL wetsuit delivered a day and a half later. This one might fit a little more lose, but at least I will not risk exploding out of my casing on race day.
Today I'm packing up the car, my support crew (Paul, Mom, Rosalba and the two girls) and headed towards Lake Winnipesauke.
In terms of packing and getting ready, I haven't had any major mishaps... other than a pretty spectacular wetsuit fail.
Last week I went to the pool during peak hours to try on my wetsuit and make sure that it had no tears on it. After all, it's a 12 year old wetsuit. I'm fitter than I've been in recent memory, so the idea that my wetsuit wouldn't fit didn't even cross my mind.
So there I was on deck with my size M Orca wetsuit... The pool was packed- there was a summer camp going on, as well as a masters swim class and a ton of recreational folks with their kiddos. Yet being the only one on deck fooling around with a black wetsuit, I still managed to stand out.
I pulled it up my ankles and calves with no problem... but when I got to the hips things started looking a little less auspicious. At the widest point of my hips, I realized the odds of the wetsuit making it all the way up were almost non-existent. The option of pulling it back down was looking equally daunting.
Looking around the pool with the hope of finding a solution, I noticed that a crowd had gathered around the pool, giving me even more determination to not give up. GREAT... I thought to myself,
I'm putting on a Shamu Show for everyone.
It took another 20 minutes and the help of three spectators to squeeze me into the wetsuit. We (they) had managed to zipper me up against all odds. Though I couldn't breath much, I was finally -and triumphantly- walking into the pool. The crowd cheered and I waved, thanking everyone. And then, just as I plopped into the water after the last step... BOOM! My wetsuit exploded open.
I think I got the memo. I'm not a size M anymore.
Thanks to Amazon Prime, I got my Zoot XL wetsuit delivered a day and a half later. This one might fit a little more lose, but at least I will not risk exploding out of my casing on race day.