At this point of my training -with one week to go-, all I'm looking forward to is crossing that finish line. As I slug through the last few miles of swimming, running and biking, I think about all the hours of training I've put in, and realize that there's a pretty sweet reward hidden before even crossing that finish line. Nothing can take away the gratification of having logged in all those hours and knowing what I'm capable of doing if I put my mind to it.
There is something incredibly beautiful, and humbling about being at the bottom of the proverbial hill, looking up to where you want to go, knowing that unless you put your whole heart into it, there's a pretty likely chance you won't achieve your goal. The idea of getting out of my slump, losing the baby weight, putting in the long hours of training while still managing to be the mother of two and wife of one, has been daunting at times. And while it's not "all said and done," nothing can take away that I have done the climb, and that the road to my own success has been spectacular.
Of course, nothing is achieved in a vacuum, and you don't travel the road alone. If it weren't for the support of my family and friends, none of this could happen. My Mom, Paul and the girls have been incredibly patient with me while I follow my dreams.
Another big thanks I owe is to Carlitos Cremaschi- my brother's best friend. Much like my brother would have done, Carlitos has stepped in to help coach me and figure out how to do this. While he personally took a (long) break from racing to be a family man, Carlitos was a highly regarded Chilean pro-triathlete who originally taught Benji all about triathlons. He's a good friend and excellent motivator- couldn't ask for a better coach!
Alright, there's a band of monkeys in my kitchen demanding breakfast, I better go do something about it before cleaning up the kitchen becomes another metaphorical climb...