Friday, March 3, 2017

Metabolic Efficiency

So I had to write this post today to simply brag about  the merits of metabolic efficiency. As someone who has struggled her whole life to keep the pounds off, I can't rave enough about how this lifestyle/diet has changed my relationship dynamics with food. Thanks to the guidance and patience of Coach Kitty, I'm using the off-season to shed off the extra pounds, become a better runner and build muscle.... but primarily lose weight through metabolic efficiency methods.

I'm on my third day doing intermittent fasting with my only daily meal being dinner and I feel absolutely amazing. I haven't weighed myself, but I the mirror is telling me that the pounds are coming off. EVEN PAUL NOTICED... and he never notices!
To be clear, I didn't just suddenly "decide" to fast. Coach K and I have been working up to this for months- teaching my body to choose to burn fat rather than glucose. I've been on a HIGH FAT (read bacon, nuts, good oils, eggs and a lot of cheese) and low carb diet for a while, and my body stats are pretty impressive (if I say so myself!):
BMI: 24 (pretty good for an athlete)
Body Fat: 27%
Body Water: 54.3%
Visceral Fat Rating: 3
Muscle Mass: 106 pounds
Metabolic Age: 27 (though my actual age is 32... 33 on April 2nd)

Scale: 152.  I'm psyched to see where this continues!

While I was hesitant at first, I have been has been supplementing my workouts with Exogenous Ketones from Ketocana so that I don't feel hungry and my brain doesn't feel fuzzy. A mixed bottle of this stuff thirty minutes before my workout carries me through and hour long swim/run, 2 hours of clients and all the way through afternoon mommy patrol duties. My workout performance hasn't suffered, and in fact, I feel sharper than on an average given day. I'm loving it.
This stuff really works!

I'll keep y'all posted about my progress.